Exclusive free webinar next week: Erin Botsford

Year-End Strategy Webinar

Don't start the new year without a plan! Get Erin's best year-end tips to ensure a prosperous 2020. From goal-setting to assessments, she's sharing everything she uses to set her team and her year up for success.

Wednesday, December 4th at 2pm Mountain

Click below to register!

Erin Botsford, a Barron’s Top 100 Advisor, is offering an exclusive event for advisors to demonstrate her strategic planning process.

Erin has been using this process for almost 30 years and says it has been a Major key to her success.

Even when she was alone – a solo practitioner, she used this process to plan for her next year. (Now mind you, she says she spent the entire day at IHOP and drank a lot of coffee but she got it done!)

Erin has revised her formula many times over the years and she’d like to share with you WHAT WORKS to ensure you are ready to have your BEST YEAR EVER in 2020.

Erin is going to be leading a free webinar Wednesday, December 4th at 2pm Mountain to walk through exactly how her team plans out their entire year, including mapping out all of their prospecting and marketing initiatives.

It’s important to note Erin is a total believer in the concept of modeling...just copy what works and don’t reinvent the wheel! Here’s your opportunity to model Erin’s strategic planning process so you’re ready to take your business to the next level in 2020!

Click below to reserve your seat for this Pre-2020 Training! We encourage you to take time to attend this event.

Layne Turner