Annuity Product Updates for March



  • Allianz has launched the ABC annuity
    Download the Brochure >
    Download the Rate Sheet >
    Download the “Understanding the Rider” PDF >

  • A product change was made to the 222
    New product training is required to continue to sell that product. Email or reach out to Nate, Dean or Travis for more information.

  • FIAs – Understanding the Allocation Charge
    A FIA can be a valuable addition to your overall retirement strategy. FIAs provide principle protection from market downturns, tax deferral, and a death benefit for your beneficiaries. FIAs also offer a range of features and benefits that may help you achieve your retirement goals. Here we explain one of those features – the allocation charge.
    Download the PDF >

  • FIA additional benefits and riders
    Download the Client Brochure PDF >

  • Important information regarding Allianz Statements of Understanding
    Beginning March 3, 2020, all Allianz Fixed Index Annuities (FIAs) will have new Statements of Understanding (SOUs). We have streamlined our SOUs to help us more quickly address changes in the economic environment and keep our FIAs as competitive as possible. In addition, the updates to the SOUs will reduce the instances of incorrect paperwork being used (and new signatures being required) when product changes occur. Also, this effort reduced the length of our SOUs by an average of 6 pages.
    Download the PDF >


Layne Turner